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Friday 18 March 2011


hahhahaah...after 5 hour i'm on9 again to write something in my make me excited...huh....what story do i have to write here?????
huh gotcha i want to tell my follower about how straight the rules in u know that nex week is "malam permate gemilng"'s act for us as student but it jus like for lectures...we can't wear 'bju kurung without pesak',no shawl' with 'kasut srung' n i more thing our 'tudung' should be cover the whole chest...yes it's good..but please i'm not sincerely with it...dont posh me...please...huh it's seems like we are childish n now i do not have dress for "malam permate gmilng"...n 1 more thing we can't take the pic during the ceremony...

huh....while i'm writng this post is my roomate epy bezday fiza....she is the one that wear 'tudung'