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Friday, 25 March 2011


ai hepy lpas smlm menghadiri malam permate gmilng....hhuhuhuh
mule 2 kn org merungut psl bju tetbe ari 2 bole pkai bebas....huhhuhu
pkai la bju kurung moden...biru tdung purple...heheehheeh...smue cntik...tgk la gmba ni....

mlm td gk ade yg lbih bes...heheeh...wary pngil dye...hhuuhhu....ckp dye mcm special sgt je....bese je...tpi tak terckp pape  la mse tngkp gmba 2....huuhuhu....wary thnks ag ye nk cte....2 je la...dlm gmba tdi pain bertunang dgn cubemate....hehehe...men2 je....bkal kot....amin....emmm...yg rmai2 2 dak dkat je dlu ye...t letak ag...derrrr

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

again frenz...

kwn ag...huh sukr ble kte tgk s'dri kwn kte susa ati dlm wat kptsn...kte hnye bleh bg dyeorg smgt...kptsn msih ditgn dyeorg...
n tok dye ak tau ko org yg bek tak sme sprti ak,...jd mungkin kptsn ini ade bek nye...smue ade hikmah nye...bia kn mse yg menentukn...jika ade nye takdr allah kau dgn dye psti ko akn bertmu smula,,,...ini mungkn yg terbek tok korng krn ak ykin ko mmg soang yg bek....bia la kau mnjdi kuntuman mekar...ak ykin ko kuat n ak sntise doa kn korng...ak gk slaloo berhrp agr ak gk kuat sperti mu...

Sunday, 20 March 2011

patut ke???

patut ke ble kwn kte wat sala kte tego....tpi mcm ne nk tego...huh...
klu la org tu sng d'tgor tak pe...
ni mcm tak bpe nk dgr...
mcm ne ye????
kte syg dye tpi ntah ble nafsu mengusai diri smue jd len...huh

Saturday, 19 March 2011

no one

huh jus like i'm being addicted to update blog now but now  i don't want to update about that but it is about 'no one'....
no one want to be considered worthless or be punished for failure, but that is what the world is....
and now i'm the one who don't to failure...for this i need to past final exam, and now my disease come around... i'm vomiting whenever i eat ...huh it makes me tired....huh it will disturb my study...god please make me strong to push my self ...i need to pass my final, it's jus not because pf my future but also my family's hope...they have been sacrified a lot to i need to pay please god make me strong enough....

huh and suddenly i want to say thank to God because of make my life is complete...i have my lovely family n fwenz....i have my mom,pa,sis,bro,niece,nephew....i also have pain,za,mina,nadia,salwa,tut,atin,nemo,peot n my romate...not enough time to write all....hhahahaahah...but all of u has make my life complete even without who said that without boyfrind we can't happy .....hey now i'm really hepy...
so tgk la mke2 crie kteorg without pakwe...

Friday, 18 March 2011

npe ye?????

ai...huhuhu...nk update ag...gne bhse mlyu plak...
huh ak pun tak phm npe ak nk sgt wat blog ni skang...
mcm desperate plak...huhhuhu
mybe sbb da lme staker blog org kot...hhuhuh
wel myb lpas ni dye pun staker ak....
welll tak de follower ag ni..
malu la nk g tau org...bia je la...yg tau pun dak2 dkat blik ni...well ni sbnarnye stop sat study bio...wat pas yea...huh...susa but i need to through all of this....mlm td tak de mood nk study myb sbb s'mlm da byk sgt cewah...seems like wat blog ni bes gk...tpi need time la....well blog pun tak cntik ag...cdg nk letak lgu...tpi tak tau ble...hehehh...wel sory tok kwn2 starp tak letak bnyk gmba...t letk ag ye...tak smpat ag...
k la nk i need to stop here....daaaaa.....


hahhahaah...after 5 hour i'm on9 again to write something in my make me excited...huh....what story do i have to write here?????
huh gotcha i want to tell my follower about how straight the rules in u know that nex week is "malam permate gemilng"'s act for us as student but it jus like for lectures...we can't wear 'bju kurung without pesak',no shawl' with 'kasut srung' n i more thing our 'tudung' should be cover the whole chest...yes it's good..but please i'm not sincerely with it...dont posh me...please...huh it's seems like we are childish n now i do not have dress for "malam permate gmilng"...n 1 more thing we can't take the pic during the ceremony...

huh....while i'm writng this post is my roomate epy bezday fiza....she is the one that wear 'tudung'


huh tngal ag 25 ari je ag,,....bertmbh tension...tension blaja n kolej...tak tau mcm ne nk cte tpi mmg kne kec-up gle la...wel bio 13 chapter, chem 13, mat 12 n  in  all of this need for me to remember in 25 drive me crazy...huhu not enough about that kolej also damn...the rules here is very tight...feel like in the with the final exam is juz around the corner...where is the heaven????oh god please send me an angel that can make me strong to face all the challenges here....